This is a picture of Mark and Dawn's horse, Dixie (in the pen) and our two. Dixie is Minnie's Mom and George's grandma. You would never guess by the way they all acted. Here Dixie is attempting to bite at Minnie. This only happened because Minnie stuck her head over the pen to taunt her. I was embarrassed by Minnie's behavior! She was such a b****!!! She taunted Dixie, chased Charlie and bucked at anyone who looked at her funny! In addition to our own two horses, we also picked up Denice's horse, Casey. They all were beautiful running around the pasture once we put them all in together. It was like a herd of wild horses.
This is Max on Casey~before the "incident". Some of us went on a trail ride up behind Mark and Dawn's property. There are woods and a small stream to cross. On our way back, Eric and Max were in front on Glory. Al and I were right behind them on Charlie. Mark was on Casey and Dawn on Buck. As Glory crosses the stream, she starts struggling to get her footing. I watch as she falls over with Eric and Max getting thrown into the stream. Charlie makes it up the embankment and I turn around to figure out what the hell I was going to do. Mark was already off Casey, who went running for the barn. I hear both Eric and Max, so I knew they were ok. I hear Max yelling that he was stuck. My gut is leaping into my throat, but I had to go after Casey. Now, I couldn't start freaking out, cuz I had Ally on the back of the horse, and I didn't want to scare her. She and I get Casey through the gate and we run to the barn. This part was exciting for Al, cuz the whole ride, she wanted to RUN!! Once I got Casey where he needed to be, I head back for the stream. Dawn was already on her way back, saying everyone was ok. They were wet and cold, but ok. Well, as it all went down, Max's leg was stuck under Glory! If I had been there long enough to assess the situation, I would have been a freaking basketcase!!!! Instead of rolling over to right herself, Glory stayed right where she was, on her back, waiting for the guys to get Max out of there. Once they freed him, they told her to go ahead and get up...and she did. If she had tried to get up, she would have rolled onto Max, crushing him or drowning him. As I thought of this scenario over the next couple of days, I tortured myself with what "could have" happened. It was so scary. It was also a freak accident. The embankment had gave-way under her feet. She tried, but it just collapsed. We washed Glory off at the barn and she was ok, too-especially after all the treats we gave her!!! Oh yeah, Glory is also related to my horses. I'll be happy if mine turn out the be even half the horse she is!!!!!