Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's the newest installment of .... Some of My Favorite Things! I noticed there was a new party store going in beside our mall. It wasn't until I went in to grab some items for treat bags, that I was introduced to the wonder and amazement of this store. Colors, party supplies, candy.....not my usual draw. But, this place makes me happy because I love to throw parties (aside from jewelry ones...;) Backyard BBQ's, Cinco de Mayo,'s fun, right? There is anything and everything you could want,to throw such functions. Because we don't use paper products so much, it's the extra accessories that really float my boat. *The treat bags were for Ally's teacher. Because the kids have had to work hard for the OAA tests, she likes to put together treat bags to reward them. Some of you may have heard of the less than acceptable attempts at gardening I've encountered. This year will be different. I started my seeds with this little contraption. They took OFF! I've had to replant them, and am anxiously awaiting the day that I can put those suckers into the ground! Spinach, okra, peppers, tomatoes, peas........yummmmm!!! Not that I have a hard time getting Viv to eat fruit, but when she wants a "Popsicle", this is a great alternative to the pure sugar ones. They come in tubes and freeze just like a Popsicle.
Thank you, Mom, for teaching me to sew. And, for getting me a sewing machine. In addition to the curtains that can be whipped out in an hour, I have also been burning up the 'ol Elna with Dylan's baseball pants that needed hemming and taking in Jay's tuxedo shirt.

1 comment:

natther said...

Ha! You are probably sewing more than I am! Good for you - sewing really comes in handy doesn't it