Monday, February 21, 2011

Ally's birthday present!!

Al decided awhile back that she wanted to "redo'" her room for her birthday. I was all for it, since her room was a little dated. When I asked her what color she wanted to paint it, she said, "HOT PINK!". I asked, "Hot pink like bright and bold, or hot pink like soft and elegant". (There was no leading in that question, right??) She said she wanted it bright and bold. I told her that that color was hard to pull off, so we would have to see just how bold we could get it. We, then, went to visit Al's cousin over Christmas break, and she had a hot pink room!! It could be done without blinding whoever dared to enter!! So, we picked a color called, tropical smoothie, and went to town......

LOVE IT!!!!!
When I was checking out at Home Depot, the cashier asked me, "Are you painting ALL the walls that color?" I took that to mean it was too bright and overwhelming, in her opinion. I did get a little nervous at that point, but there was no turning back. I was so pleased with the outcome! And, yes, that IS the desk I refurbished. I finally got those "after" photos posted - only 5 months later......
I think I have a picture of Al's bedroom, before the transition. Our digital photos are a freaking mess, all unorganized on two different computers. (Anyone as unorganized as me????) If I find some, I will post before and after.


EE said...

It looks awesome ! Ally is one lucky chickie !

natther said...

You did definitely pull it off! That is awesome! Tell Ally I want to sleep with HER instead of her sleeping with ME!